A community of compassionate volunteers
dedicated to linking and facilitating essential donations to families in crisis throughout Northern Virginia.

By focusing on families and filling in the gaps, the Tin Cup Fund is committed to helping those who are helping themselves and just need a little push or high-five.
Our MISSION is to support by way of filling in the gaps for Northern Virginia impoverished families to give them the opportunity to live a dignified and self-sufficient life.

Melissa Fox - Executive Director, FOUNDER, BOARD Member
Melissa has a passion for the homeless and the underprivileged in her Northern Virginia community. It’s not a new love, though; she’s had an interest since childhood. Her appreciation for the poor began amidst the atmosphere of family small business, its all-inclusive community culture and the service work within its walls. It was where she learned to connect with townspeople from every income bracket. Each December they would welcome the public into their year-round Christmas shop where families could visit with Santa Claus and leave with one Polaroid photo. No charge. Families were entered into a raffle for the chance to win a gigantic teddy bear. Each year, her family and Santa would deliver the bear. Fast forward to not so long ago, Melissa and her siblings found out her father would rig the contest. He always chose the family with the dirtiest faces and the most tattered clothing, the ones who could not afford a teddy bear of any size without some help.
Her philanthropic nature continued into adulthood with personal fundraising drives, volunteer awards and the concept of Tin Cup Fund which originated in 2015 stemming from her volunteer work at Women Giving Back. TCF became an official 501c-3 non-profit in 2019.
“Personally, I give back because it feeds my soul. My parents taught me to lend a hand to people in need. They led by example through feeding the poor, inviting the disadvantaged into our home and by spearheading fundraisers in our hometown. I give because they gave and now my children do, too. I also believe we can spark philanthropy by showing how it can benefit on a very small scale. From there it will grow. “
- Melissa
Matt joined The Tin Cup Board of Directors because he feels strongly in the need to help those in and around his Northern Virginia community.
Family, friends and community are part of Matt's core beliefs. The focus on "community" has always been a passion. If you help those around you, the giving grows and leads to an even stronger community. Over the last 20 years, Matt has been involved in a number of charities through both personal and business commitments. From hurricane relief efforts, to Toys for Tots, to youth coaching and local non-profit, Women Giving Back.
Matt is a local real estate and mortgage banking executive. When not working or helping in the community, Matt enjoys spending time with his wife and three daughters, organizing travel, as well as cheering on all of the UVA sports teams.
Linda Mescall - Treasurer, BOARD MEMBER
With a desire to give back, Linda Mescall began serving as a Treasurer for various non-profit organizations within the Loudoun community. As mother of twins, she became involved in the Loudoun/Fairfax Mothers of Multiples group shortly after joining, she took on the position of Treasurer. As her children grew she served on the PTO’s boards at Lowes Island Elementary school and Dominion High School; filling the role of Treasurer for two years at each respective school. Introduced to The Tin Cup Fund, she quickly realized that with her experience, she could fill in a gap and that she did. Linda enjoys being able to give back to her community by utilizing her financial background and skills; to assist non-profits with both organization and their financial records.

Collectively, we have been helping Northern Virginia families since 2015. Local school parent liaisons, case managers, social workers and other non-profit organizations contact us when there is a need that cannot be filled through other means. As a 501-c3, we rely on referrals to confirm legitimacy and the level of need. We cannot fulfill every request and we do have parameters related to how much we can assist one particular family. We review each request with great consideration.
In simple terms, we are facilitators. We thrive on connecting those who have the ability to assist with those who need said assistance.
The “have” does not necessarily refer to monetary donations. We have been able to meet many needs thanks to generous donors, philanthropic friends and supportive business leaders. Restaurant owners have donated food, hair stylists contribute their talents, friends have offered their pick-up trucks and teens have helped move furniture. We have a younger group of very dedicated kids that have organized lemonade stands and area athletes have spearheaded fundraising events. Giving is contagious. We know firsthand.
We are beyond fortunate to call these groups and individuals not only partners & sponsors, but friends. They believe in The Tin Cup Fund and without them, we simply don’t believe we could accomplish all of our goals.
With gratitude, we thank you.
Brain Injury Services
Embry Rucker Homeless Shelter
Fairfax County Public Schools
Habitat for Humanity
INOVA Medical Group
Katherine Hanley Family Shelter
Loudoun Cares
Loudoun County Public Schools
Shelter House
Women Giving Back
Costa Family Dentistry
Food Lion
Green Brilliance
Intercoastal Mortgage
K&H Landscaping
Offenbachers Home Escapes
Red Thinking | Branding & Digital
Weird Brothers Coffee
Wolf Trap

"The Tin Cup Fund has been a priceless resource for community members that otherwise would not have been able to cover a need. The TCF has stepped in multiple times, most recently helping patients attend medical appointments via Uber gift card donations, as well as via diapers for a young patient that, due to her age, could not get assistance from common resources we usually refer to. The two patients that received help with their transportation were able to schedule their cataract surgery and have a successful outcome. The patient that received diapers, not only received diapers, but wipes and a gift card for future purchases. All of these patients have expressed their gratitude towards the TCF, because no other organization would have helped them in a timely manner and with the love and respect the TCF provides."
-Gustavo Veira, INOVA Community Health Worker
"Tin Cup! What a wonderful organization! When the holidays approached with no way for my husband and I to provide gifts, we were sent angels. At that point, I had been out of work for six months or so with a disability. When Melissa called me one Sunday, I believed she was just calling to check in, but I was told she was adopting our family. Tin Cup made our household believe in God's words, he will never leave us. I pray one day if my health improves I am able to be just as open hearted to share with others. If all organizations were as kind as TCF alot of families wouldn't feel the pinch, if it's a single parent home or a double parent home when one loses an income it becomes hard to just eat some months. May God continue blessings of Tin Cup to help such families in need of just a little love and humanity."
-C.E., Herndon
"I am the family liaison for a Title 1 middle school with tremendous needs. Before being introduced to Melissa and the Tin Cup Fund, I was feeling my hands were tied and I was limited in how many students I could help. TCF gave us food, over 100 gifts for the holidays, and most importantly hope. Because of this incredible organization, I can change lives on a daily basis. I don't know how to thank Tin Cup Fund enough."
-Fatima Jaghori, Sterling Middle School family liaison
"The Tin Cup Fund has really helped my family strive for success. They have constantly supported us and pushed to do great things. I am very grateful for the wonderful souls that volunteer with Tin Cup. I have two sons that love music and with support from Tin Cup they helped one of my sons travel to Europe and the other learn bass guitar. We are greatly thankful for all these folks. My family and I will forever be grateful to The Tin Cup Fund. Bless you for all the support you give to families in need."
-V.L, Herndon
"Tin Cup Fund really helped me when I was leaving a DV (domestic violence) relationship and seeking counseling. I had less than $20 to my name and a bag or two of personal items. Homelessness and domestic violence know no class. I never thought I needed their ear or their warmth and thoughtfulness but they filled in those gaps when I needed it to help me be able to tackle other problems I was facing and get myself out of it. Forever grateful for the diapers and household items they provided us when we really needed it."
-D.M., Winchester
"When my family found ourselves in a difficult situation, TCF emerged as a beacon of hope. For us, TCF's impact was transformative. They offered not only material aid, but also emotional support helping us navigate through our crisis with grace and resilience. Their tailored approach ensured that we received the specific help we needed and follow-up care demonstrated a genuine interest in our long-term well being. They understand that providing a hand-up, rather than just a handout, is crucial for lasting change. The Tin Cup has truly made our community a better place and I cannot thank them enough for their profound impact on our lives."
-Jennifer and Family, Sterling

3rd Annual Team Trivia Night - date TBA
Invitation-only event to help us raise awareness and funds for TCF and our community efforts.
TCF swag available for purchase
Custom-made unisex short sleeve t-shirts ($20) and crew neck sweatshirts ($30). 100% cotton.
Free delivery within 10 miles or $5 shipping per piece. Message us at the email below to place an order. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Want to learn more?
Email info@thetincupfund.org and we’ll share next steps with you!